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I'm noticing a lot of people complaining about not knowing how to progress, might take one for the team and do a speedrun/walkthrough video and post it somewhere. maybe also a gallery? idk what do other people think?

(1 edit) (+1)

Walkthrough here

also no gallery because you can find the scenes yourself

A for effort there boss. Good of you.


It would be nice if I could move while I aim and shoot

may any one tells me the place to find the those statues? I have been trapped here for ages

sorry for being late|| first one: wolf statue sits on a table after you unlock the door with the password
second one: bird statue turn on the generator after passing the wolf and 2 doors will open (warning 2 lil monsters gonna come out so shoot em) after that take the statue in the last door at the corner
third one: back at the place where you first took the laser and password there is a door and inside should be a licker and behind it the snake statue. (note: that door unlocks after generator is on) hope it helps


attractive game as  i think,erotic and horror,i cant wait to the full version!

Interesting game. But nerf mantis boss please (;-;). Too tank and fast. I get tired of shooting it. Does it have any weak point?


Thank you. You saved me.


bro wtf you din’t know head shot deal more damage in fps

lol that rule only works on human. Maybe monsters have other weak point, haha

if it a monster the weak point is either (told by someone/in the tuto) or it have hint like blood transparency scar ect if not it the head or there no weak point


I know it's a bit early to ask this question but seeing this is a demo, when do you think the full release will be out? Because this game looks very promising so far. 

(1 edit)

Well the game was a learning project to begin with, so the creator was not expecting alot of people to be invested in the game at all.
They only wanted to build more into the game if it became interesting to more people, els it would ben left behind in the end. So its only good that it became more then just a project.

And as you said. Its to early to ask for a full release when its still able to be build more into.

Can play with a console, if not can you change keyboard layout

(1 edit)

yes but option 1 change your windows layout option 2 mod the game option 3 use steam and a contoller


I hope there will be plants involved in the future, like a hazard or something. If so, im excited to see it happen.

there is a door blocked out by vines in the hub area, so maybe?


You know what this game needs? A gallery mode.

I'm not saying it should be here now, but it'd be nice to eventually have a way to view the many H-scenes without playing through the whole game again.


true dude,gallery is needed

Ive got the latest version but I cant seem to find anything past the wolf area. I start the game go inside do the usual get the wepon go in the wolf area to the chair room and place the statue but where do I go after that to get the other statue and stuff?

(1 edit)

You mean, you placed statue.

Or did you played THE statues.

You need three of them to progress, if you did place them, then the doors are huge and wide, you can't miss them.

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You need to use a keycard near the generator. You find the keycard in the area where you place the statues. There is 2 cards, one for a door and the other for the generator.

After the generator is active, you can find the next one near the generator area, and the last at the place you got the weapon.

Thank you

Hello, there is a problem I encounter, it's that the game gets confused when you have 0 sexual experience and the npc considers it the same as it being high, while after gaining some experience it will consider it low.

Ok got to what i believe to be the end and in all honesty its great for what it is but i found a hole in the ground in one of the dark grey areas in the level wth the lurkers and i feel the boss fight to be a little to boring because sometimes you just cant dodge the boss and they tank so much damage im not sure if this is an earlier version of the game or not but still for the most part it is good enough


i'm sorry i keep losing in purpose *sigh*

how do i open the game ?? i download it but idk wat a rar 


Issue is solved. In case someone else got the problem: Download and install WinRAR, then unpack the gamefolder :>

Really liking the boss battle, Hope that there;ll be unique pregnancies though


Nice Boss but invictus yet)  There is one my plea for the game: could you be so kind to return non-toon version (as of v0.10) of this cute protagonist girl or possibility to make the choice at the beggining of this wonderful game?


Hey. Yes, it’s planned to add an option to switch between toon and original style of the protagonist at some point


A lot of lewd thanks for you!


hey I don't know if you are going to see this, but if you do I'd like to suggest something: Could you make certain pieces of clothes that don't provide much benefit unbreakable? Like the animal ears and stockings for example. they don't provide much benefits and they appeal to people that have a stocking and animal ear kink.

Hey. Animal ears are unbreakable already as far as I know :> Stockings provide now some protection from ero-damage but you’ll be able to find more of them

(1 edit) (+1)

We all are really looking forward for version 20!

For everyone trying to figure out how to beat the next part, it's in the classroom. You'll find a secret passage in there. You can figure the rest out on your own but yeah.


Development seems to be going smoothly!  The models are greatly improved from the Alpha.  The shading is better, and the in-game tutorials feel well-paced and non-forced.  Not to mention that the sexy animations, while admittedly a little barebones, are hot hot hot!  There's a lot of promise here, in my opinion.

I do have a few issues, however.

First of all, the lighting.  I could barely see where I was going in the second area, and the flashlight didn't help at all.  At a certain point, darkness stops being creepy and ambiance-building and just starts being annoying.

Second of all, great job on the monsters!  They're creepy, the way they manhandle the protagonist is both hot and wild.  But, the issue- well, to be blunt, the Scientists.  The infected scientists scared the everloving shit out of me, and it definitely killed the mood.  They clash so badly with the anime-style protag that it just felt...wrong.  It's the anime-style equivalent of uncanny valley.  I strongly feel that the infected/corrupted humans should match the protag's style.

That's all I have for my comment/review.  Thanks for taking the time to read this.  I hope you have a nice day, and that you keep plugging away at this.  I'll definitely be following this project!


Could you add a OS to the download link. Without one laucher can’t dl the game


How do you get to the dream level?

And how do you get to the corrupt scientist?


will protagonist have voice in the future?




no This is a computer game.


I like this game very much, please update it as soon as possible.

This game is very fun and honestly very scary to play late at night with the ammo running low.

(1 edit) (+3)

are you going to add like a cheat mode,gallery,spawn tools in future update?

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More information you can find on the discord channel, at least i can say that gallery is planned.

Found a bug with level 1: if you’re attacked by a creature near an action location (for example, near enough to a door that you have the open action), you cannot escape as the spacebar presses go to the door interaction, and the bar never fills.


I think it is a very interesting concept. I see the potential. There are some details that could be improved but so far I think it's pretty great. Good job.

i can't find the Scientist


Hey. They start wandering around after you did certain things in Level 2. There is a short walkthough in discord if you need any help :>


Thanks for the new update hope to see some more things in the future ;)

Deleted 3 years ago

Creator has said this is a learning project and is not intended to be continued after a certain point.


Even if its a "learning project". This game is verry much a game i would like to see getting more interest and such. Cause i really like this.

Besides they said they may expand on this if it gets more interest.


I loved the game. pls make more for this game

Deleted post

Sounds like you misconfigured filetype associations, what is the extension? This downloads as a RAR file,so right-click and look for an option to "Extract" or Unzip. If not install 7zip to get one.

how can i get into the tunnel


where is the snake statue??

Wolf is on the coffee table when you enter the first locked tunnel, the bird is in the locked rooms past the wolfman after you power generators on, the snake is in the first area you explored with the two bug spawns (just before you pick up the blaster).

Deleted 2 years ago

In the back corner where its super dark there is a generator (past the wolfman) the activation switch is kind of hidden in the dark, hug all the walls to find it. You will need a keycard found in the area to activate it. But if you've walked around you should easily find them. No particular key card goes to a particular activation switch. I hope this helped.


how do i get into the lab


Pick up a key card in the building across from you when you first spawn. If you're talking about the second area, you need to collect three statues and place them on their designated pillars in the "egg room".

Thank you


love this game! we don't get many eerie/horror H-games. i look forward to future of this project!

also fun dumb idea, feel free to ignore it. maybe have a trap save spot and upon reloading. the main character gets a H-surprise

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