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Omg I love this that bad? I've played it for 4 hours straight and memorized every corner of the lab alr....

More levels pleaseee!


unfortunately, I believe this is just a side project for moeymoey. I don't think they plan to continue development beyond what has been made and maybe one more patch for bugs. I think they said this was supposed to be a learning project more than a monetary venture.


It could use a cheat mode where you can simply explore all the scenes and creatures. Not that it is difficult to do that in the first place if you play it right but it's still annoying if you mess up to have to restart completely.


A lot of people are crossing their fingers hoping this feature comes out before the last patch.


Very interesting game with a lot of potential. Here are some feedback points:

  • The character model is nice, with very appealing genitals, however, the ass could use a bit more volume (if viewed from the side)
  • I would REALLY like to see the game over scenario removed. I think it's safe to say that most people playing the game are looking to watch the character get fucked and impregnated, and the players should not be penalized for doing so
  • If you DO decide on removing the game-over mechanic, it would be nice to keep the option of wearing clothes WHILE getting raped
  • I would also like to see something come of the pregnancy (figuratively and literally)
  • Moving the camera around could be easier to do if the players did not need to hold the mouse button down the entire time
  • The ammunition count can be a bit confusing for players that aren't use to this type of play style. At first, when seeing: "0/6", I thought that I had 6 rounds remaining, but after playing for a while, I realized that it was the maximum amount in the magazine. It would be nice if the denominator shows the total amount of rounds remaining in the inventory
  • I like that the aiming doesn't need to be super precise. The players could benefit from being able to aim lower
  • I encountered a scenario where I was standing in a doorway, and whenever I fired my weapon, it would just impact the "door" even though the doorway was open. It seems as if there is still bullet collision with the open door
  • I think the pregnancy animation (the belly growth) could be shifted over around 25-50% of the way through the pregnancy. I feel as if it starts too soon, and by the time the belly stops growing, it's only 60% through the pregnancy
  • I haven't done a run-through of the game while pregnant, so I'm not aware if this feature is present or not, but I think it would be cool if there were some effects of being in the late stages of pregnancy, such as slowing down the character
  • When the character achieves an orgasm, I think it would be nice if there were an animation to go with it, such as the character shuddering, arching her back, etc.
  • It would be nice if there were a sprint mechanic, where the character can run faster, at the expense of stamina
  • The "resist" mechanic is a bit unintuitive. I think it may be easier for players if it were a button mash type mechanic, where the higher the character's stamina, the more effective each button press is. If the stamina is low, each button press is almost useless (as the character has either given up, or is too weak to resist)
  • It would be cool if while being impregnated, there would be a small, but noticeable belly bulge from the semen. There would be some semen leaking out progressively, and the belly bulge would diminish while the player continues through the game. Perhaps it can fully dissipate after 1 minute or two
  • I'm not sure if it's just a "Me" problem, since I have the short term memory of a goldfish with Alzheimer's and am directionally challenged (not an actual disability, just making a joke), I tend to get lost easily. Having a level design with less backtracking, and somewhat more linear approach would make the game a bit easier to get through
  • It took me a while to figure out that in order to start the generator, I had to access the control panel nearby. Perhaps it can be stated in the dialogue for the disabled generator that there is a control panel nearby that may be able to unlock it

Thank you for your game, and I hope this feedback helps!

(3 edits) (+4)

(Edit: This was written in for older version of the game, a lot of these issues have been adressed since then.)

It is rough, but off to a good start. It works quite well as an horror game. I’m looking forward to futur improvements.

The controls are decent, but still feel suboptimal :

  • Why do I need to hold LMB in order to move the camera? Moving the mouse should be enough on its own. This makes it unplayable on laptop with a touchpad.
  • Mouse sensitivity is too high when aiming, makes it hard to aim at the small insects.
  • Being able to skip dialogue boxes by clicking anywhere instead of a specigic button would be a welcome QoL change.
  • The character can’t turn around on the spot. In most cases here that isn’t an issue, but it can make it tedious to pick up items if you accidentally step right on top of them.
  • The struggle mechanic (if that is indeed a struggle mechanic) needs to be better explained. I don’t understand whether it achieves anything, what it achieves, and whether I should spam it or use it at key moments.
  • The ingame tutorial says you fire the weapon with LMB, but in practice it’s RMB

As others stated, the result of pregnancy was anticlimactic. Personally, I’m fine with it leading to a game-over, (though I must admit spawning a new enemy would be more fun and interesting). I think the problem actually lies in the lack of spectacle; pregnancy has a very long build-up time, but leads to a whole lot of nothing: we don’t get to see the baby, instead we have an instantaneous cut to the same game-over screen as usual.

Speaking of which I think the game-over screens in general are too sudden. Almost all games I can think of have a few moments where you can see the incapacitated character; H-games in particular often make avail of this time by leaving the character vulnerable to whatever is still around. I believe giving some work to the post-defeat spectacle has the potential to make the horror vibe stronger.

The H animations have a certain stiffness to them. Every motions happen in perfect sync; they completely lack of the principle of animation called Overlapping actions. (If you’re not familiar I suggest New Frame Plus’ video on “Follow-through and Overlap” for a quick breakdown.)


Need more graphics options and resolution to play on 1080 p

more audio options and key bindings.

I agree with this completely, a native 1920x1080p would be nice.

(3 edits) (+1)(-1)

Your game is awesome man, keep it up.
just one thing plz change the girl's eye color add some sliders for character's body.

(1 edit) (+3)

Overall, conceptually, I like this game. I really love games of this type when you play as a girl and you need to survive, and if she loses, she is "punished":D Hopefully the developer will finish the game and bring it to perfection. So far, it lacks moans in the erotic scenes, the scenes themselves. I wish you good luck, I will definitely support developers by purchasing it.


Like this game so far alot of potential


Hey folks, be sure to click the "Level_1_Update" link listed under the development log to get a more polished version of the alpha. I've been checking this page once every day and just now noticed it 8 days later >_<. A lot of quality of life fixes!


NGL I've read through all the comments here and I have to agree with everyone. A lot of potential here and if you took the feedback from everyone here I think you could make some good money on this! :D 

1.) Allow for lower aiming.

2.) Pregnancy as described by Mr. Squirrel post 100%

3.) Make a visual cue for when you add something to your inventory, the audio cue and paired with an empty container visual fooled me into believing I had gotten nothing. Only when I was prompted with "Your inventory is full" did I bother to check and notice It was full of clothing (which is a bit buggy to start with).

4.) Save checkpoint system please :)

5.) Fix these bugs (Undress does not remove non-underwear armor) (Spinning around an enemy's attack then centering yourself inside them causes them to just stand there unsure of how to proceed). (When shoes (speed buff) are removed via sex scene, the 1-speed buff remains).

6.) Add collision as described by arkenophas, a lot of enemies and objects can just be walked through. (Enemies require you to wait for their attack to miss)

7.) Just an opinion as well (Make the blaster unlimited ammo but it reduces the enemies yellow bar instead of killing them. This makes them more of a threat and promotes stealth play over just PEW PEW area clear! To Mr. Squirrels point as well, the enemies are too quick as well if we're meant to run away and evade enemies.

But hey this is just my opinion and you're free to do what you want :D if you become super serious about developing this game I think a lot of people, myself included would be more than happy to support you! I'm looking forward to seeing a reply!


this game is good and has a lot of potential

the shooting mechanic needs a way to attack the insects when they are at your feet and the game needs some way to save 

(1 edit) (+12)

it's a good game, but desperately needs the ability to aim down at your feet. The little insect things move at the same speed as you, but you can't actually shoot them if they get close because the model is too short. But you can't make any distance to get an angle you can shoot at because they move too fast, and you can't move while aiming.

Also, pet peeve, but having pregnancy be game over really sucks. I'd be more than happy to take some damage giving birth or have it spawn a hostile monster. I mean 75% of the reason I'm here is to watch my character get impregnated by various monsters so it seems counter-productive to have it result in a full game over with no save system.


there should be a sandbox mode where you can spawn everything in


Really cool, like what is here so far.  Pregnancy and sex should not be game ending especially with no save points


How do I use the keycard on the door at the start? 

Press Spacebar to interact with almost everything

music adds to the spookiness.


I agree! But in some of the rooms and areas the music just turns off.. did you notice this as well?

ive gotten to the wolf and finished placed it on the pedestal where are the other two statues? also your discord link is expired


Discord should be fixed now :)

Deleted 24 days ago

The other two statues (bird and snake) can only be found after powering on the generator, use a key card on the semi-hidden pannel by the generator and it will turn on.

This game has potential just needs some polishing right now.

Deleted 24 days ago

I definitely have more fun with modeling then coding

Deleted 24 days ago

How many enemies are there in total in level 1?

(1 edit)

4 different types +  the chair. In total there should be 13.

How to reload 

You have to use up your magazin

Is there a way to save the game? It is kind of frustrating to have to start all over again after a game over.


Rendering Bug: If the camera is behind the wall, the door gets drawn wrongly

what are the controlls thats what i find most frustrating.  it gives you nothin.

There is a file named read me its has the controls in there


I havent delved into the files because i installed it through itch.  Thank you though I'll make sure to look there

Deleted 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. Glad you liked to sex scenes, since it's probably the most important part :>. I'll keep working on this project.


годно когда обнова

судя по дискорду разработка идет с сентября 2020. т.е за 7 месяцев - ни физики, ни второй локи, а только преальфа или что это за версия (одна лока, два моба)

так что думаю обновы могут выходить с такой же периодичностью как и в "Escape from the Giant Insect Lab", т.е это вполне может статься финальной версией.

тебе удоалось открыть весь контент?


да разраб торчок блять упоролся наверное. весь контент не открыл. нашел статую одну а там еще вроде надо

судя по дискорду, последнему сообщению "...I’m going to take a break for about 4 weeks. Not really a full break tho, I take the time to think about how Level_2 should look like...", ближайшее время когда разраб вспомнит об игре, должно быть в теории 13.06.2021

(1 edit) (+1)

Куча недоработок у игры: скорость противников даже больше твоей, нет интуитивности, разве что из записок, поворот камеры мышью, необходимость нажимать кнопку, чтобы закрыть окно монолога, и да - я смог достать лишь две статуи ввиду того, что эти сраные жуки перекрывают проходы, потому что гонятся за тобой и им поебать

Upd. Ладно, пох, я нашёл как стрелять


Such a perverted system! Amazing! It a shame that pregnancy means or orgasm is a bad thing in this game 3: Tho i understand that this game must have some kind of punish. Maybe bad toxins or parasites? Man, I wish i could help you in development somehow, the idea is briliant!


I'll try to implement a way to make the H-System not just "punishment" for the player.

Don't get me wrong. It's a good way, that too much sex is punished, since otherwise the game would be an empty sex game in my opinion. I hope you'll add some story later on and new monster, since that's what "Escape from the Giant Insect Lab" lacked. Also, it would be great to add flashlight and make interaction with items a bit more easier :3 I'll gladly join your Discord and help by providing feedback ^.^


It has a lot of potential!

For some reasons I find the game frustrating to play slightly more than anything else, but it's just the lack of ability to save or the lack of check point at all since how easy for you to just lose the entire run and have to do everything all over again but still, I'm fully aware that the game is at its Alpha state so, good job for the alpha version, very fun!

Here are the list of some "inconvenient" things I encounter in the game

1. The little bug one is absolutely annoying not because it's too fast but I can't aim down my weapon to its level when it's at my point blank range and I can't over run it since it's basically as fast as I can run. (and I'm ass at aiming)

2. Sometimes I just can't use the energy recovery potion and sometimes I consumed it but it didn't give me anything

3. At the power activating part when you have to go into the eggs room to get the keycard, there's a door that lead to the terminal that you must use the keycard on it to open it I'm  curious if this is intentional because if the player chose to use the keycard on the door then they will no longer be able to activate the power supply or are there other place I missed that have another keycard in it?

Aside from super annoying energy system to struggle I hope this feed back help even just a slightest! 

Thanks, it helps a lot. Since I'm kind of in a "dev-tunnel" and just don't recognize some problems as someone who played threw it x-times.

(1 edit)

Imagine being dumb enough to not know how to un-pack a .rar file, like just use 7zip. How do you live without 7zip installed??

either 7zip or even winrar

Deleted 3 years ago

There was a time when even you were too young and ignorant to know how to use a mouse, let alone install 7zip, and unfortunately Itch is full of the kind of people that never grow out of that phase...


hey can you make a zip version of this for us non intelligent people

Install the Itch desktop application, it's available for Mac and Windows, it makes installing far easier

im having issues installing it got the set up but wont work out

(1 edit) (-1)

How Do I Open The File... Im On Windows???

wtf A .rar folder lol...

Deleted 148 days ago
Show post...


please port this to mac!

I'll consider making a mac version with next updates.

also it won't let me  move my camera I'm holding the mouse 


when one of the monsters impregnated me and the meter reached about 80% the game just crashed


Thank you for good game, I do wish wasn't so confusing tho

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey, thanks for playing. Very intresting Video for me. I guess thats why getting other people to play the game and recieve feedback is important. You find a ID card in the left cell of the building where you found the chest. Then use the ID card on the terminal near the big entrence door to get into the building. You can also open your Inventory with i and put the cloth on you found in the chest.


Ahh thanks, It's is kind of dark so was hard too see. 

Maybe add like a highlighted effect for the important objects/ doors.

But either way good job, add some sexy outfits and it would make game better

do you have any plans to port this to mac?


Really want to check this out, it seems fun, however I can't do anything. WASD nor arrow keys will allow me to move, I'm just stuck sitting in the middle of a room. R seems to shake my screen and C seems to zoom? Maybe. Going to give this a follow and hope I'll be able to play soon.


Hey, thanks for trying it out! Hold Space till your blue bar reaches 10. I have the controlls listed in the ReadMe file

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