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so hey at the scientist area like the corridor how do i get past that i shot the gassy things but i still get caught while being no where near it


So, found an issue that the game won't open after downloading. You know anything about it?

You might try using Bandizip to unpack the .rar and tell it to encode in English, just in case your computer doesn't do that by default. This game should use Unicode, but I don't know what else the issue would be.


Can you add tits and butt inflation please?

is there a way to make game fullscreen cause playing it on such a small window is not great


yeah its in the settings-resolution. gotta do it before you get into the game every time tho

can you transfer save files between versions?

If you're just going from version A to version B on the same computer, the save will still be there. No guarantee it will work, though, cuz this is a game still in development.

But if you're trying to use the save file of a different computer, uh, no, that doesn't work. You can load the file,  but your character will spawn into the game outside the map and you'll just fall forever.

where is the save files I can't find them?

AppData > LocalLow > Moeymoeys > BreedLab

I just used the gas canister on the boss wolf but there is no keycard in anywhere to open the door. does anyone know the exact location of where its supposed to be?



How can I beat the boss in level 3 (grasshopper)


just shot on his head

if you can survive being r***** 3 time you get a buff and he dies automatically I recommend having at least 5 healing


Please add Turkish language


For god sake you should add load save button or at least return to menu button it's very annoying when u failed but want to restart but there was only quit button

Return to Main Menu is currently in the 0.37 Supporter version, and will be made public when the next update is made


-Please add button to return to main menu instead of quit.
-On phantom level there is bug that once you break free the phantom immidiately spawn again before you have chance to get up and you are locked into scene.
-Last thing maybe SPOILER! 

When you in the flower corridors I understand you should have mastrurbate to lower lust and avoid them but even after using napkins M does nothing despite the lust is full and the heart is there. So you could just annoyingly walkthourgh seeing same scene like 4 times (I know these scenes are part of game but you should be generally able to avoid them and if you make unavoidable you should not do the same scene enemy multiple times)

(1 edit) (+2)

if you're talking about the corridor with flower addict scientist, you can shot those creatures that release gas, and you can only masturbate when it shows an red heart, the pink one is because of the lust


returning to main menu is in the 0.37 supporter version rn

(1 edit) (+1)

just found some bugs here, the wolf does not have death animation he just vanish. on act 3 if we masturbate or the tentacles grab us after we left the area with phantoms, an phantom shows up and try to start its scene and does the grab the character since it shows the bars but she just stands in there. on act 2 in the end just about to start the 3 after we talk with the scientist we can find lita inside the room, she has the same dialog when we meet her. and another thing, when we go to other area and then come back the items return like i just got 3 willpower/love potions from the same area on act 2

(1 edit)

just found out that when you change your clothes and your inventory is full, you lose that piece of cloth you were using, also is there any difference if you let or not the main character phantom complete their sex scene on act 2? she just say why but i wonder if theres any difference

Pls help, I'm lost after the wolf in act 2. I'm back in that big area with the snake guy and can't see anywhere to go.

at the dark snake area, go down stairs and complete that section where the wolf roams, come back up the stairs and when you turn left you'll enter the first room in that hall again (where that girl sat on the counter). to the right you'll notice a text option against the counter (it looks like the wall is a different shade), hit your action key there. the wall will open. also got stuck there at first, hope this helps

Thank you so much, I must have walked by this dozens of times without noticing.

I'm stuck at the wolf boss area. I found the gas canister and I assume you would put it in the slot next to the wolf boss to gas him, but the canister is empty. I've been walking around the area for quite a while but can't find anywhere to fill it. Please, help.

Deleted post

Thanks, just found it


M a n...I cant wait for the next parts.
Final suggestions for the game though!
Upgrades to the gun recharge rate! Please! It takes so long!
More, stealth, mechanics. It shouldnt be for the one area.
At a game over, have an option to return to Main Menu. Its annoying having to alt f4 repeatedly!

With cheat mode on, maybe switch the icon of health potions to an infinite symbol? Its hard to tell if its on.

Finally, a notepad/objective thing on the side. Just a way to know what you are meant to do at any time. Just cuz like, I was confused at so many points! Wait, one more thing! A loot creatures part? So then we can use more of our inventory!
Please, consider these? Itd be nice!

(1 edit)

actually u don't have to alt f4 if u play the game on fullscreen, at least for me was this the case.

I, usually played in fullscreen, it was always alt+f4ing for me. What platform did you play on?

- I tested out {Cheat Engine} programm to the game and it kinda messed up game bunch of codes and now it's keep glitching out even reinstalling game?


this is probably one of my favorites but would u be willing to allow us to customize who we play as not but like hair style color and eye color? 

you need to update some stuff on your Patreon! The licker Status says the that the supporter version is given 2 weeks before the public version! Well 2 weeks has gone by, almost 3 weeks and the public version isn't available yet! Where is the public version???


Thanks for mentioning. Supporter versions will no longer be made public 2 weeks after their release by default. Now the supporter version will be most of the time one update ahead of the public version. Meaning, the public version will get updated as soon as the next supporter version is ready.

The updates in general take longer to release now, because I want to increase the content available per update (and there is currently a small summer break going on in order to refresh some strength :>)


Great atmosphere and pretty fun gameplay (haven't finished yet tho). Wouold like if the creatures would have some sort of "attack" anticipation animation, instead of just insta-capturing the protagonist on contact, even if it's a really short one it would add a lot of polish and improve a lot the feel of the game. Still really like it though, keep it up! ^.^

When will be android version?


Breed Laboratory won't have an android version

What do you do after exiting the wolf boss area? I'm stuck in this little part where there's no doors that lead somewhere.

rly good game, i love the athmosphere... it's rly scary xD
will there be future option, were u can change ur character?

the gameplay was also fine, it had a bit of a puzzle game, and not like others here, i think the number of clothes and munition is perfect, just safe after getting ur clothes and don't play bad xD

(1 edit) (+2)

make better hints, since i had to play a second time to find out that the wolf can give faster willpower recover, and also the undress option dont undress some clothes

add high heels for the lewd clothes and make it unbreakble


I needa write this out to give suggestions.
1, please, when its a game over, return, to title. Its annoying having to alt + f4, then re-open it.
2, more, clothes. Its rare to find them. Way too rare.
3, upgrades for reload on the gun.
Finally, 4, more, clear, instructions.

I enjoyed it till the invincible monster part that just kills ya in act 2, Its great but that part sucks ass, couldn't finish the rest


You talking about the wolf?
You have to escape the area without getting caught by it.

Will there ever be Controller support? I feel like it'd make the game a lot easier  (I only have a laptop, playing with a trackpad is not enjoyable lol

(2 edits) (+3)

I have a few icks with this game.

It's hard to enjoy the Game when the boss can see me when I'm Inside a room hugging the opposite wall. Timing doesn't seem to matter at all. the "walk" mechanic feels like an aesthetic choice rather than a stealth mechanic.

The boss seems to not have a pattern. I feel like I had to wing it and get lucky.

I have a few suggestions because I dont like JUST complaining, its rude and unconstructive.

* Difficulty slider (enemies have more\less health\less perceptive)

* Aiming sensitivity slider.

* Cover/stealth mechanics.

* Objectives/Reminders/Hints

It's an awesome game and original. I hope you further improve this game because it hits the good spots.

sorry for complaining.

the boss should only be able to see u... when u are close to the door... but at itself he shouldn't be able to see u, at least i had no probs with the boss patterns.

the walking is good against the enemies with long tounge, cause they can only hear u, and when u run... the charge at u... so it kinda has stealth.

so i for myself only had a prob with quiting after u died xD

when will the next update come out?   there's nothing new on pateron 

How much longer until the next update?


OK I really need help. How the heck do I get past the wolf boss? Like, after you gassed him. I have tried stealth, but he keeps seeing me.


never mind i was just not timing it right.


what happen when he sees you ?


He catches you and fucks you for days.

Basically a Game Over.


I finished the game i wasn't fucked once

showing up as a RAR file not EXE


Thats because its a compressed folder, and you gonna have to extract the folder, in order to play the game.

I recommend installing a extractor tool like 7-zip or WinRaR to extract it.


evrtime  its done downloading and i click on it it takes me to notepad 

You need to extract it first before you can use it.
Get a extractor tool for it like 7-zip or WinRaR

(2 edits) (+6)

I beg you, pls add an Xenomorph to this game. It would fit the game 100 percent.


This is to build upon the presence of facehugger-like enemies, right?

Yeah, one of the many reasons.

Can you rally call them Facehuggers, when they only able to do it vaginal.
Vaghugger would probably be more logical naming.

@Maxcheernum: That, or Crotchhugger.

After having recently played through all of the game that's been made available so far, and after getting carpal tunnel on my left wrist as a result of using the keyboard for too long, I'd like to strongly suggest adding controller support to this game, possibly to use alongside the mouse if need be.

Here's what I could imagine the controller layout could be (assuming a modern DualShock-style controller, as seen on a PlayStation or Xbox, and assuming that the mouse could still be used optionally alongside the controller):

- Left Control Stick: Move character. Tilt lightly to walk, and heavily to run.

- L1: Interact with nearby object, hold and release to struggle or stand up.

- L2: Open/Close Inventory.

- D-Pad Left: Use Willpower Potion.

- D-Pad Up: Use Love Potion.

- D-Pad Down: Masturbate.

- D-Pad Right: Use Flashlight.

- Start: Pause.

- Select: Undress.

The following are if you'd like to implement controller aiming, and possibly a lock-on feature (like what's found in the popular 1st-person shooter on XBox, Halo):

- Right Control Stick: Rotate/Pitch Camera.

- R2: Aim weapon.

- R1: Shoot weapon.

- X: Lock onto enemy nearest to aiming reticle (for sniping).

- A: Lock onto enemy nearest to player (for emergencies).

Have a look at Autohotkey.

What's Autohotkey?


Go google it, it's not an ambiguos name.

(1 edit)

how do you get past the mantis? do you kill it?



gotta be a pro gamer and weave it, then shoot it

good boss fight tbh

If you let it fuck you. You can get a skill that will damage any that tries to fuck.

oh really? i'll have to try that, thanks for sharing


do you need help creating 3d assets for the game?

hej thx for games on profil i didt know

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