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Is there a way to make separate save files? and any way for me to remove the characters bra and blouse?

how do you defeat the mantis "boss"? i still have/had version 0.34, is it even possible there?


If you don't have any shoes left, things will be very hard.

When he charges at you, run diagonally away from him. When he stops, shoot his head no more than two times before running again.
Firing your last shot will recharge 1 shot faster than normal, but leave you unable to move for multiple seconds. This strategy is not recommended for boss fights. Take your time instead. His HP does not recharge.

Deleted post

Find the strange wall in the science class.


how do i pass the tree house area? I cant find anything to use,at first i deactivated the tree from spawning the crabs,but i still found nothing.After that i tried again without deactivating the tree and killed all the crabs.The lever wont work.I also found a tablet which when i interact with it it says "???".I interacted with the computer and it says "...". idk if my game is broken or what please help.

I recognize that message lol

Well, for anyone else who has this issue, there is supposed to be an orange keycard behind the spider-crab tree (the one that's not already dead). If it's not there, completely quit the game and load again, and it should be back.

The problem was caused by pressing Escape using "Back to Menu".
This feature is still very new, and it doesn't save item states correctly.

(1 edit)

in act 2 how do i get passed the gold wolf we free with the gas ca

you hide in side rooms and try to get out of that sector, he will not chase you if he doesn't have a direct line of sight and can't hear you moving.

in act 4 how do you continue after the girl gives you the small key?

There is a locker outside, which can be opened with the small key.

Keep in mind, v.0.37 ends

wow i feel stupid now, i thought i had to unlock the giant door 


Will there ever be the ability to sprint?

(1 edit) (+2)

So I been stuck playing act 4 over and over and no matter what I do I can't find the last color cylinder. I can only get one in the room with the girl who tells you about the dogs, then one out with the dogs, then i'm stuck I cant progress, I cant find the generator, I cant find no other key cards, nothing! I am very very very frustrated trying to get past this part which always breaks and I have to start it over again. 

Edit: So I just found out I had waisted so much time looking for something that not in the game version I have? I have spent four days, just to find out its was for nothing. FOUR DAYS!!! 


ups :>

hey hum... so I have a problem in the beginning of the act 4, basically I can't progress because I really don't know what to do so plz help thx

There's a tree that releases lots of mutant face-hugger spider things if you get too close. It's guarding a keycard that's required to operate the tram. But, outside the tree room, there's a terminal with 4 settings, and 4 matching test tubes. Choosing the correct setting will put the tree to sleep.

(1 edit)

But the lever dont move, I have the Keycard

Where is the gun?I can't find it.


It's nearly impossible to miss, being the only large-ish object in the game that spins until you pick it up. But as for where, it's in the room with the tablet that talks about the password. Unless you skipped acts, in which case it will be put directly in your natural path.

Except on Submissive and Breedable mode, where it doesn't exist. After all, "submissive girls don't need a weapon" :3

funny enough, i stilll had it, getting equipped with it as i pressed the aim button


i found a bug with the wasps

Ah god I was about to write it too haha! Seems like while being "worked on" by wasp and another 2 will join later seems that if there is one wasp which first want to join but gets stuck.

cann someone please help me who is the green orb in act 4 v0.38 i dont find it

Talk to the red haired girl a few times. Head outside and get the keycard, then save your game before using it. At this point, don't save again until after you turn on the generator, which is in the same room as the blue orb. Once the generator is on, there will be a few doors open that you couldn't go through before. Progress is back through the area with the green men.

On another note, my first attempt at the game was done in hard mode and I couldnt find the password. I have now gone back to it and still cant find it... so far hard is easier than normal mode besides the fact I cant find the password... any pointers? Please dont outright tell me


and cause of that i am in an endless loop (died? twice) cause when you need to get the statues and turn on the generator the two vagina crab things come and i get fucked by those two things, then their baby comes out of me and fucks me and once thats done the first one is re-agroed and comes in and repeats the entire thing.... this game needs a SHIT load of balancing to actually be fun

HOW DO I RESIT?!?!?!?!?!? It says hold spacebar but that does jack shit. So far it seems like you are supposed to get caught... 

(1 edit)

hold space (at the top left there should be a bar that increases with a number next to it) then release it (higher the number higher the 'damage'), this decreases the 'health' bar of the monster attacking you (top right), once the bar empties they stop 'attacking' you.

Good stuff!


my rar was expried and i cant download this game what do i do?

Get 7zip, or Bandizip.

anyone know where the green capsule is

in act 4

In version 0.38 :>


could you please add more birth variations to this game besides the one worm

This is probably my favorite H game I've ever played. It's so good I made an account just to give my kudos to the author and encourage others to try it. I'll ramble a bit, but in a nutshell, thank you for making something that's somehow gripping, creepy, and extremely erotic all at the same time. It's really great, kudos to the author. (spoilers incoming, this game is worth playing mostly blind)

  • The game ticks a lot of my personal boxes in terms of fetish presence -- If you're into monsters, breeding, non-con, tentacles... don't even bother reading more, download it.
  • The demo is very substantial. I feel I got a great experience out of the demo and will be happily tipping when I download the next public release. I hope the author offers the option of a one-time purchase for the full version when they complete the game.
  • The atmosphere is impeccable. I really got immersed and creeped out more than I expected, and found myself really gripped to see what was next. I thought the difficulty was about right and helped with the mood.
  • The backtracking where the area changes from what it was before is really cool. The author is pretty good about respecting your time by putting shortcuts to areas you need to backtrack.
  • The monster designs and H-animations are really erotic and have a lot of heart put into them. The struggle and willpower mechanics are great to immerse you in the feeling of helplessness. My personal favorites were the face-huggers, the tentacle floor trap, and the hounds.

the mantis boss is impossible to beat


ok nvm its not


hey who are the oather two conainers in the garden i found the red one but i dont know who blue and green is can someone help please i play in vesion 0.37

ik where the blue one is just not the green one
the blue one is in the area before the woods


Green orb does not exist in 0.37. The build simply ends there with no "end of demo" screen.

will character customisation be added?

Great progress so far! I'm sadly stuck after getting the key card and from the lower floor with that boss wolf. After I left that area I'm stuck in the facility with the snake dude, killed him and now I can't leave or do anything it seems  


This is the most common area where people get stuck. More hints are probably needed

Inside the classroom where you met the red haired girl, there is a hidden passage you can open with an ID Card

I found two bugs, there are three types of bee animation, entering the next type requires a bee to participate in, at this time, the bee is likely to participate in the failure, and directly stuck in the protagonist's body, and the animation will not enter the next type, when the protagonist stands up, the bee will be stuck out of the map, in addition, when the bee grabs the protagonist from behind, After a short time, the protagonist is knocked down and does not enter the animation

Thank you brother


the install function from the itchio app its a bit broken. Imposible to install, downloading manualy but it will be nice if dev can do something with this proble


It was not marked for "Windows" before but is now . Maybe this solved the problem?

Yes, problem solved, nice ty so fast :)


Thanks for reporting this issue :>

How do you progress in act 4 on the supporter version (0.38)? I cant seem to find the new area with the wasps that were mentioned


Hey. You need to activate the generator inside the room where you found the blue orb. After that, go back into the tunnel with the green guys. The glas door should now be open

I think Im softlocked. I cant open the door to the room because i dont have the keycard. And i cant enter the room to get the keycard before this one (the panty room) because i dont have the small key. And the small key isnt in the location where its supposed to be, in that glass thing where you put the blue and red power cells.

how do i get out of the dorms plz help

(1 edit)

go to pc room. exit to the courtyard. in opposite building you find the card and some clothes. but... how can i take off clothes?


Very happy with the 0.37 public release, pretty good progression from the previous version.  That being said, I have a couple of general questions.

What does the Lewd Level actually do?
What does the addictive cum do?
Where is the green canister hidden?


Hey. Lewd Level is needed to struggle against certain encounters or trigger certain events. It got a rework in 0.38 and also raises your stats.

Addictive fluids eat up your willpower faster

The green canister is missing in 0.37. There is no clear "End of demo" in this version.


Ah, that all makes more sense now.  Thank you!

after you go back up the stairs after watching the scientist with the other girl what do i do. i killed the weird snake thing but none of the doors open and i cant go back 


Hey. Inside the classroom where you met the red haired girl, there is a hidden passage you can open with an ID Card

Please give more updates!


when is the next update for public version ?



I still beg for you to let us find a way to easier bypass the golden wolf - Even if I'm hiding in rooms it'll basically teleport in there to get me. :( Very stressful for a H game


The way I did it is wait for the golden wolf go to the left hall way and go strait towards the door having a pair of shoes helps. it might take a few trys but it works for me also going to the room on the right will make it easyer but like you said its bugy


In the 4th chapter, is there green container or is it still Work In Progress?


I can't find one either.  Does anyone have an answer to this?

in 0.37 there is no green container

Thanks found it on the new release.

Uhh, how do I extract the files from the .rar file?

By using WinRAR, or 7Zip, or Bandizip, etc.


How do i beat mantis? ive tried many times but i just failed.

(1 edit)

Nvm i think i figured it out

(2 edits) (-1)

If you let your self be r**** by it 3 times you get a buff but you gotta survive it also dies after that too


Potential android port??

(2 edits) (+1)

SPOILRS: I encountered a few issues but probably the one that needs to be fixed is when riding the tram or cart or what ever you call it your character slides off and falls through the floor also happens during the scene with the green women. also the dog scene is delayed or flat out wont happen until you get knocked down twice that's all the bugs I've encountered so far. great game by the way had fun playing it. can you make it support a 1080p and 1440p please the game looks fine but I have a 1440p monitor. oh yes almost forgot the tentical head piece seems to be duplicating in my inventory

it wont let me run the game, it says that there is no UnityPlayer.dll. and it says it can be fixed reinstaling the program and i alredy did and it says the same thin, so, what should i do?

Have you tried completely re-downloading the .rar and/or using a different decompression program?

Whenever WinRAR has failed, both Bandizip and 7zip have always succeeded. In fact, I stopped bothering with WinRAR several years ago, since Bandizip and 7zip are both free anyway.

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