Update: Supporter Version 0.40, Public Version 0.38.2

Hey Folks, 

a new supporter version 0.40 is up on Patreon/Subscribestar which means the public Version gets updated to v. 0.38.2. 

You can download v.0.38.2 now here on itch.ioSee more information about it in the previous DevLog.

Important Issue with v.0.38.2: In the Dorms (Wolf v.2 Area). Your items might disappear if you save and reload!

Information about v.0.40 Supporter Version: 

v.0.40 introduces the End of Act 4. Two new creatures are waiting for you :>

The first one you can see in the screenshot above and the other one:


  • Gallery Act 4 (Except the two new creatures)
  • New Cheat mode: Infinite Cloth duration

Based on your actions through out the game, the end of this Act decides the ending you will move towards to in the last Act which will be Act 5

There will be three possible endings: True Ending, Virgin Run, ? - Ending

That's it for now

Greets :>


BLab_v.0.38.2.rar 537 MB
Feb 29, 2024

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I would like to suggest some things to be considered for future updates: Damage level to all clothes except by minor accessories, Sex level experience max value being way higher than 10, Lower the gun delay to being able to shoot again, Some enemies appear rarely while others too much, Mutated fly needs to be added (Escape from Giant Insect Lab reference), Perhaps mutated spider in the shadow areas as a sneaky trap, It's a good idea to being able to change the protagonist's hair color with some items found throughout the game. This game looks very promising and fun!

We need Chinese

searched every corner but never found a green container, is it still not in the game??

The green container is in the Wasp Area, you can enter the area after activating the generator and go back in to the tunnel where you had to go through the green guys

ty so much, i didnt even see the generator in the blue container room lol

Deleted 1 year ago

The green container is in the Wasp Area, you can enter the area after activating the generator and go back in to the tunnel where you had to go through the green guys

sorry to bother but to update on the container, after I started act 4 again, the blue container suddenly shows up

sorry to say, but there appears to be a bug with the blue container, it does not show up for me after collecting it. Also, just wondering, is it intentional that you can "stare down" the dogs? they also hesitate if knocking you down from behind

Don't feel sorry when you are reporting bugs. It helps a lot the development :> 

In v.0.40 you don't have to worry that much if you lose a container, in the end all 3 containers can be picked up in case you lost or missed one. 

And yes, the double knocking is intentional :>


Right and okay? That knocking kinda confuses me. the container, happens when safe and reload

If i may say, with your planned endings, I kinda see a struggle how to stay virgin around the wasps, given how fast they ae and how the air slows you down

(1 edit)

Currently in the new version, the wasp does not spawn that frequently as they do in the current public update.
You can avoid the wasp easy if you dont trigger their spawn points, but they only spawn once from those spots. Its the big one in the middle that spawns them every few mins (except in the new support version they dont spawn that often). If you get caught and bred from them, you will spawn 3 wasp from birthing them.
It only require 2 shots for each wasp, so if you have 10 or 12 ammo, you can fend off a few if you in a good distance

i noticed, though hit dectection in public seems very close, not really at range


i am sure it will be worth it! if i may ask, does the black wolf/wolf hybrid still get his animation adjusted for the knot you added?