Okay firstly; Tutorial. Put one in. Or at least a better one than you've got here. Nowhere does it explain that running out of ammo stuns you. Nor is there any indication that masturbating restores your max energy. I could go on there's so much more that needs explaining.
Secondly; there's so much waiting in this game. Why does your ammo return so slowly. I get that you want to make sure they can't just shoot infinitely but I've exited the room and reached safety, but I can't go back in to combat until I sit and wait for like 2-3 minutes doing nothing while my ammo regens... You've also got to wait for the chair to remove any pregnancies, you've got to wait for masturabation to restore your health. It takes too damn long!
I downloaded the game then downloaded rar to unzip it and then used joiplay to try play it, but the game wasn't supported and I just wasted my data for nothing. 🥲
What do you mean by "ignore one of the pcs", I tried not interacting with them but that didn't do anything. It still won't let me open any doors to get what I need to progress
Hey, could you please not force resize the window? It resizes to tiny even if i give Unity -screen-height and -screen-width. I made it somehow working in the past and had no issues with Gui or gameplay.
-screen-height and -screen-width work for me. I created a shortcut to the executable, then in the shortcut properties I added the following at the end of "Target": -window-mode borderless -screen-width 2560 -screen-height 1440
That's what i did, since the game has no resolution settings and forces a (too small) resolution. But then it starts with the parameters-resolution and resizes to the small one a second later. And it worked one or two versions ago.
I think I somehow got softlocked in level 2, I'm at a door that says it needs the A key, which I already have, and it just isn't opening. Is there any way to get around this, or do I just have to start a new save?
same im stuck on the wasp lvl and i have no idea why it keeps saying i still have sth to do even tho ive found 2 containers alr(i dont see literally anymore)
Oh yes, new version! And so I went through the game and they opened a gallery for me and gave me cheats. The bees were fixed in the gallery, but I haven't seen the scene with the plant and the boss in the gallery yet.
Imma be honest i have yet to even find a boss, i usually end up softlocking myself or getting bored of the game before i can lol, buuut maybe this time itll be different
version 0,41 found bug act 2 when take id card in office and loss to enemy 5-6 times game continue button takes gun and moving near door without some items and id card that in office. idk if in version 0.45 have same bug.
Easily the best h game I've ever played, though it helps it ticks all my boxes. Obviously needs polish and finishing but it's far better on that front than any other h game I've seen. I actually played it because it was fun.
It's been 70 days and the gallery for level 4 (at least) is still broken. When interacting with bugs your character just runs on spot and nothing else happens, you have to quit to main menu to be able to move again. And the dogs animation is broken (again, in gallery)
I loved this game, but I have some constructive criticism, why does every creature get the girl pregnant with the same thing? It would be cool to create several different types of babies, always having a tentacle being born is a bit tedious, it causes other things to be born.
I think that's the only thing I would have to say, the rest is perfect, thank you very much for the game.
There are a few of them in the game, normally in places where there are no enemies. If you see a strange chair with a box infront of it, then that's what you're looking for.
i don't know where this other person is finding a walkthrough (i can't find one anywhere) but you go in that office room that the girl was in, and there's a section of counter/wall that acts as a secret passage (i think it's tinted red to indicate it's different)
Is it possible to edit something in the code to force the game to launch at a higher resolution? I run a 2560x1440 and the full screen setting doesn't fit the screen, plus the game's interface overlaps itself making it hard to use.
Another edit revision: You can trick the enemies AI by shooting at them and then going back from a nearby door so them won't be able to go after you, i think the bracelet should to be nerfed at how far the shoots can go so it won't make the game feel cheap on difficulty. Some rooms are way too bright in the area where you need to use the neck latern, those areas should to be pretty dark with some easy to avoid enemies like slugs or bats that suck on the girl's breasts. The big areas with zero enemies is kinda a bummer to be honest, i'm sure you would come up with new enemies specific for certain areas so the game doesn't feel like a walking simulator at some parts.
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where can i find the flashlight
Act two I believe.
Okay firstly; Tutorial. Put one in. Or at least a better one than you've got here. Nowhere does it explain that running out of ammo stuns you. Nor is there any indication that masturbating restores your max energy. I could go on there's so much more that needs explaining.
Secondly; there's so much waiting in this game. Why does your ammo return so slowly. I get that you want to make sure they can't just shoot infinitely but I've exited the room and reached safety, but I can't go back in to combat until I sit and wait for like 2-3 minutes doing nothing while my ammo regens... You've also got to wait for the chair to remove any pregnancies, you've got to wait for masturabation to restore your health. It takes too damn long!
Fr, i've been pressing M for that past 10 minutes
Actually learn to check 'Read me' files when you download games. They're called Read Me's for a reason and provides detailed controls and instructions
You are acting really unprofessional.
??? how? I'm letting you know thats a thing.
I downloaded the game then downloaded rar to unzip it and then used joiplay to try play it, but the game wasn't supported and I just wasted my data for nothing. 🥲
If it's not meant for mobile, DON'T PORT IT TO MOBILE
Wish I knew it 92 days ago 😮💨 thanks for the heads up though 🫡
Does anyone know where to find the key for the small lock in act 2. I've searched all the rooms I have access to and I just can't find it
I actually had a bit of a hard time, if you're still struggling. Ignore one of the PCs in the "cage room" with the strong wolfman
I might be misremembering the act but I think this is what was needed
What do you mean by "ignore one of the pcs", I tried not interacting with them but that didn't do anything. It still won't let me open any doors to get what I need to progress
One of the pcs says something along the lines of "dont let her out" and you need to ignore the warning
i figured it out, the key straight up did not spawn in during my first play through, like i did the thing with the girl and bam no key.
lol, glad you got it man
i figured it out, the key straight up did not spawn in during my first play through, like i did the thing with the girl and bam no key.
10/10 Actually top tier
The wolf part is so hard. I wish this game supported multiple saves
We need Chinese, thank you
Hey, could you please not force resize the window? It resizes to tiny even if i give Unity -screen-height and -screen-width. I made it somehow working in the past and had no issues with Gui or gameplay.
Btw, where is save data stored?
-screen-height and -screen-width work for me. I created a shortcut to the executable, then in the shortcut properties I added the following at the end of "Target": -window-mode borderless -screen-width 2560 -screen-height 1440
Note that those are all single dashes.
That's what i did, since the game has no resolution settings and forces a (too small) resolution. But then it starts with the parameters-resolution and resizes to the small one a second later. And it worked one or two versions ago.
Hi, dumb question, how do you even install it? it only appears as .rar but cannot use it in any way, help
Nevermind i realized i didn't had WinRAR, Thanks anyway
I think I somehow got softlocked in level 2, I'm at a door that says it needs the A key, which I already have, and it just isn't opening. Is there any way to get around this, or do I just have to start a new save?
It's an incorrect label. You actually need the B key.
okay thx
How do u get past the ghouts at like the end of the game
same im stuck on the wasp lvl and i have no idea why it keeps saying i still have sth to do even tho ive found 2 containers alr(i dont see literally anymore)
Can we get a mobile port?
Yes devs plz add a mobile port
Oh yes, new version! And so I went through the game and they opened a gallery for me and gave me cheats. The bees were fixed in the gallery, but I haven't seen the scene with the plant and the boss in the gallery yet.
There should be an enemy that hypnotizes the player, or does something similar
That would be cool
there is you just need the most recent version and to have reached the last couple of acts to get to the hypno boss hope this is informative:D
Imma be honest i have yet to even find a boss, i usually end up softlocking myself or getting bored of the game before i can lol, buuut maybe this time itll be different
do you mean most recent public or patron
feature request: breast and/or butt growth with repeated pregnancies
edit: also plz add more places to masturbate in later acts. i want to enjoy the encounters, but i cant recover from them.
so whats new ? what got updated ?
I don't know, bit they either forgot to put the dev log up or it was such an insignificant update it didn't matter
They uploaded 5 new images for the front page
Wow, is this necessary?
Well its better then showing off the old images.
The new ones looks better, so i say it was probably worth it.
True, its not a update, they just taking more time because they are making endings to the game.
version 0,41 found bug act 2 when take id card in office and loss to enemy 5-6 times game continue button takes gun and moving near door without some items and id card that in office. idk if in version 0.45 have same bug.
Aiming system could use some improvements, and i'm kinda confused about how to progress in the 2nd area (stuck in the dark hallway)
NVM, the door for the flashlight was bugged. Made it through the lower area and back up past the wolf, but can't figure out where to go next.
anyone got a list of this game's fetishes?
Doggysltyle, Monsters, pregnancy, insects, beastiality,Lesbian, loli,creampie,monsterboy,monstergirl,eggy,
Easily the best h game I've ever played, though it helps it ticks all my boxes. Obviously needs polish and finishing but it's far better on that front than any other h game I've seen. I actually played it because it was fun.
Hey Moey, can you make it so we can change our keybinds? I'm on a laptop so i can't aim and shoot
add groan to the game
Anyone else stuck on act 4 with the big plants that spawn the facehugger things? Cause i cant move past i
find an ID card near one of the big plant,use it in the hall and pull the lever
I did that but the elevator doesn't work and idk what to do from there
if you have the keycard you should be able to scan it then pull the lever, opening the train thin
It's been 70 days and the gallery for level 4 (at least) is still broken. When interacting with bugs your character just runs on spot and nothing else happens, you have to quit to main menu to be able to move again. And the dogs animation is broken (again, in gallery)
where is the game save`s located?
The green tvs
I loved this game, but I have some constructive criticism, why does every creature get the girl pregnant with the same thing? It would be cool to create several different types of babies, always having a tentacle being born is a bit tedious, it causes other things to be born.
I think that's the only thing I would have to say, the rest is perfect, thank you very much for the game.
When will the update release?
how do i shoot??? and how do i get unpregnant i dont understand????????????
Hold right click to aim. Use tentical chair to undo pregnantcy.
Where can i find the tentical chair??
There are a few of them in the game, normally in places where there are no enemies. If you see a strange chair with a box infront of it, then that's what you're looking for.
Y'all, I just went passed the boss in act 2 I think and went back up the stairs and now I have no idea what to do. Help a brother out
Look up a walkthrough, I just did it and finally worked out how i was meant to move forward.
i don't know where this other person is finding a walkthrough (i can't find one anywhere) but you go in that office room that the girl was in, and there's a section of counter/wall that acts as a secret passage (i think it's tinted red to indicate it's different)
I found one on youtube just from typing in Breedlab walkthroug
Is it possible to edit something in the code to force the game to launch at a higher resolution? I run a 2560x1440 and the full screen setting doesn't fit the screen, plus the game's interface overlaps itself making it hard to use.
haha I love all the codes you used, they are great doujinshi!
When I launch it, it gets stuck in a very small screen and I can't seem to change it. Is there a fix for this?
You can change the size in settings.
i won't be suprised if we banged a headcrab at this point lmao
Good game, it's really hard to fight off enemies, but that's okay. Thank you for your work, don't quit your job 👍
Kinda wish there as something like a GIANT wasp or queen wasp that did ovi in the wasp room's giant bulb in the middle
add the giant fly, and comes out different offspring
Tried to download but keeps saying not a valid .rar file.
Discord Expired?
Should be working
Settings -> Resolution should have an option to toggle fullscreen
Another edit revision: You can trick the enemies AI by shooting at them and then going back from a nearby door so them won't be able to go after you, i think the bracelet should to be nerfed at how far the shoots can go so it won't make the game feel cheap on difficulty. Some rooms are way too bright in the area where you need to use the neck latern, those areas should to be pretty dark with some easy to avoid enemies like slugs or bats that suck on the girl's breasts. The big areas with zero enemies is kinda a bummer to be honest, i'm sure you would come up with new enemies specific for certain areas so the game doesn't feel like a walking simulator at some parts.